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Personalised Mobility: Transforming Infotainment with In-Cabin Monitoring

Event: InCabin Europe

| Session Date: Wednesday 9th October 2024

Hear from:

Sergi -DOMEYO__
Sergi Domeyo Fauro,
In-Cabin and Biometrics SME,
Idneo Technologies

In this talk, the speaker will explore the future of personalized connected mobility and infotainment, focusing on the integration of advanced in-cabin monitoring systems. These technologies, embedded within the vehicle’s infotainment platform, aim to enhance automotive safety, improve passenger comfort, and contribute to sustainable mobility by leveraging Human Factors data. A variety of use cases will be presented to illustrate the wide-ranging applications of these systems. The talk will also address how in-cabin monitoring can contribute to public health by supporting the development of predictive health models through the data generated. Additionally, the presentation will examine the technical aspects of an in-cabin modular architecture, featuring a combination of short-range radar, embedded algorithms, and high-resolution image data from IR and iToF cameras. This system integrates with infotainment hardware, enhances the in-cabin user experience, and enables real-time cloud computing via 5G connectivity for seamless data transmission to IoT platforms.

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