Roundtable Discussions




All attendees can choose to join one of the following discussions:

  • Driver Monitoring Systems: Taming the Jungle with Standards hosted by Yahs Shah, Technology Manager, ASAM e.V 
  •  Saving Lives with Pedestrian AEB – Thermal Test Protocol Development and Results, hosted by Chris Posch and John Eggert, Teledyne FLIR 
  • Where can simulation bring the most benefit to AV development? What technologies are needed to deliver this value? hosted by Josh Wreford – Product Manager and Matt Daley, Director, rFpro
  • Roundtable hosted by Yuanjun Liang, Co-Founder & CTO; and Yudong Zhu, Director of Business Development, RSEMI
  • Roundtable hosted by Snjezana Simic, Senior Vice President – Automotive, Sightic
  • Roundtable hosted by MELEXIS
  • Roundtable hosted by Sheba Microsystems
  • Roundtable hosted by Global Foundries 


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