InCabin USA

10-12 June, 2025


Huntington Place, Detroit



Session Track: Global Innovation Showcase

Physics-based Sensor Models: Why do we need them and how do we validate them?




As part of the Sim4CAMSens project, Claytex have developed physics-based LiDAR and RADAR models that use ray tracing to enable the replication of the path of em-waves through the scene and their interaction with objects that they encounter. Energy and power equations are used in each step of the process, adjusting them for losses at each stage of the beams path. The equations enable tracking of intensity for LiDAR, power for RADAR and also open up opportunities for multipath modelling in the sensors.

The validation of these complex sensor models so that they can be used in safety assurance processes is one of the main aims of the Sim4CAMSens project. As a result, a huge amount of real-world testing and lab-based testing has been carried out to measure how the sensors perform under different conditions and is used to validate the sensor models.

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