Boyd Fowler



About Boyd Fowler

Dr. Boyd Fowler joined OmniVision in December 2015 as the Vice President of Marketing and was appointed Chief Technology Officer in July 2017. Prior to joining OmniVision, he was co-founder and VP of Engineering at Pixel Devices, where he focused on developing high-performance CMOS image sensors. After Pixel Devices was acquired by Agilent Technologies, Dr. Fowler was responsible for advanced development of commercial CMOS image sensor products. In 2005, Dr. Fowler joined Fairchild Imaging as the CTO and VP of Technology, where he developed SCMOS image sensors for high-performance scientific applications. After Fairchild Imaging was acquired by BAE Systems, Dr. Fowler was appointed the technology director of the CCD/CMOS image sensor business. He has authored numerous technical papers, book chapters, and patents. Dr. Fowler received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 1990 and 1995 respectively.

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