Michael Nees

Michael Nees

Associate Professor and Director of the Human Factors, Perception, and Cognition Lab

Lafayette College

About Michael Nees

Michael A. Nees is an Associate Professor and directs the Human Factors, Perception, and Cognition Lab in the Department of Psychology at Lafayette College. He was awarded a Ph.D. in psychology from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2009. His research interests include human interactions with automation, auditory perception and auditory interface design, and assistive technologies. He teaches courses on human factors and engineering psychology, perception, statistics and research design, and disabilities and assistive technology. He also provides consulting services for user needs analysis, usability, and accessibility. Professor Nees taught previously at Spelman College and worked as a post-doctoral researcher at Georgia Tech. He also worked previously as a research scientist at the Indianapolis VA Medical Center and as a consultant for clinical research trials.

Lafayette College

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