Quantifying sensor simulation quality with Prof Dr Alexander Braun, University of Applied Sciences, Düsseldorf
Accurately replicating real-world conditions in in-cabin simulations for passenger vehicles is essential for evaluating lighting, sound, and temperature variations. In this article, Prof Dr Alexander Braun, Professor of Physics at the University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf, explores how to quantitatively assess these simulations, the challenges involved, and practical guidelines developed by researchers.
InCabin USA 2024 Demos and Exhibition: A Showcase of Innovation in ActionÂ
Our upcoming IinCabin event in May promises to be a hands-on experience showcasing technical demonstrations, vehicle demonstrations, and buck demos from leading innovators.
Exploring the role of OMS in safety and convenience for In-Cabin technology
We catch up with Patrick Laufer, Development Engineer at IAV to discuss OMS technology, highlighting key challenges and future solutions. Patrick will be presenting our opening keynote at InCabin Brussels, exploring the role of OMS in safety and convenience. Find out more here.