Behind the Scenes of InCabin with Sara Sargent
The slogan of my city is both simple and endearing, it is “You Belong Here” and that could be the slogan of InCabin. I spend most working days explaining to someone what makes InCabin unique but when asked to write this blog I didn’t want to say the same thing I do every day, I want to articulate something more complex. I’ve decided to give you a behind-the-scenes tour of InCabin, looking through my lens coming from engineering.
Find out ‘How Automotive OEMs make technology decisions’ with Paul Zubrinich from Optalert.
In this article, Paul Zubrinich, Chief Marketing Officer at Optalert, summarises the key themes that have emerged from decision makers. Paul provides a detailed look at how automotive OEMs navigate the complex technology landscape.